WE'VE BEEN DISTRIBUTING THE BEST BRANDS FOR 75 YEARS We select with care the best products and industrial and electronic components and we distribute them to our costumers with dedicate solutions and customised services. CONTACT US FLEXIBLE AND ACTUAL Our continuous listening to customer needs guides the growth and structuring of the Melchioni Group, to propose and respond to market demands with new and more suitable solutions. CONTACT US ITALIAN QUALITY, EUROPEAN SERVICE The Melchioni Group has solid Italian roots, founded in 1947 and of property of the ononymus family, strongly believes in qualities and competences of people that in Italy realize every day something unique in the world. CONTACT US
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The Melchioni Group works through different divisions focused on the needs of their costumer. Products, solutions, and services are studied to answer as best as they can to the needs of our partners, them being OEM, organized distributors or final users.


over 100.000


over 10.000


over 300

Get the solution you need


The Melchioni Group explicitly promotes the principles of conscious conduct in the Environmental Policy to contribute to achieving a sustainable society.

The certification process according to ISO 9001 is one of the tools that the Melchioni group has chosen to qualify its business and to retain its customers, fueling their satisfaction and pursuing the goal of sustainable growth.


As you are, we also are always active and at work. There are always news, events, informations that regard or interest us.

We want to share them with you.


Get in touch with us.

Just fill the form with your details.

We’ll be glad to call you back and supply any information you need.

We are here to help you.

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